Here are the ramblings of Damian Abrahams. Most of what you read are from the inner realm of his mind, others may be an assignment given to him by a professor, and others still are just his simple opinion that he hopes will help bring understanding to a particular topic. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Xaad Kil

I’d always found it interesting that the Cree calendar is so descriptive and takes into account what happens in a particular month. And I’d always wondered how my own people described the months of the year. Thanks to the efforts of my people, a blog on our language is in full swing! This is our calendar, note that we, too, take into account what happens during that particular month. Haawa’a for all your efforts!

The Haida people of the Haida Gwaii islands have a simple but interesting system of counting the months. An entire year is called a "cold," or, as we should say, a “winter,” and originally this was divided into two periods of six months each with a thirteenth month intercalated between them. In enumerating these to me they began with the summer series, recommencing their count with the winter series. Each month starts two days after the new moon.

Beginning of Winter Months

Jid kongaas ~ November 27 - December 25, 2011

"Digging month", the bears dig roots to prepare for hibernation.

Kong gyaangaas ~ December 26, 2011 - January 24, 2012

"Standing up/to defecate/month", because the ground is snowy and cold.

Hlgidguun kongaas ~ January 25 - February 22, 2012

"Goose month", when Canada geese come down to the coast.

Taan kongaas ~ February 23 - March 23, 2012

"Black bear month," the bears come out of hibernation and come out on the shore, the sparrow, the murrelet, and the hajáa or Cassin's auklet all come to lay their  eggs

Xiid gyaas ~ March 24 - April 22, 2012

"Laughing goose month", when the laughing geese (A. albifrons) begin to fly northward across the islands, fish begin to spawn, and grass begins to grow.

Wiid gyaas ~ April 23 - May 21, 2012

"Salmonberry bird month," the song of the salmonberry (Russet-back thrush) birds announces that Winter is over. - In this month hair-seals are born, sea-gulls and, since the water is calm, boys begin playing with their toy-canoes.

End of Winter Months, Beginning of Summer Months

Gansgee ’laa kongaas ~ May 22 - June 20, 2012

Month when the berries are forming. May also be interpreted as “Halibut month.”

Wa.aay gwaalgee ~ June 21, 2012 - July 20, 2012

The weather is still somewhat cold.

** Haida New Year**

Wa.aay gwaalgee 21 lagwa wáak sgwáansang

Kong koaans ~ July 21 - August 18, 2012

"Great month", because the weather becomes warm and food becomes plentiful. Also the sap-layer of bark, being thicker than at other times, is eaten.

Sgaana gyaas ~ August 19 - September 17, 2012

"Killerwhale month", when cedar-bark is stripped from the trees it sounds like blowing killer whales. Dur ing this month, also, spring and white salmon begin to run.

K' iijaas ~ September 18 - October 16, 2012

"Belly month", animals begin to grow fat and their bellies get big.

K'algyaa kongaas ~ October 17 - Nov 14, 2012

"Ice month", the first ice appears on the rainwater in the canoes. The other salmon begin to run during this month.

End of Summer Months

K' eed adii ~ Nov 15 - December 14, 2012

"In-between month" was so named because it is the intercalary month between the summer and winter series.

Beginning of winter months repeats