As a Canadian, one who you represent, I urge you to meet with Chief Theresa Spence and bring the Governor General with you.
You must go to her in person. When you arrive on Victoria Island, be sure to request permission to enter the tipi she is currently residing in. Once inside, allow her to eat the meal you've brought to her before you start your conversation.
Allow Mrs. Spence to talk first and until she is done, do not interrupt. When it is your turn to speak, give her another opportunity to speak by asking "Is there anything else you'd like to add?" and if she says no, reply to her. Don't make excuses, or bring up anything that might have been lingering the last two weeks, that is not what the meeting is about. Let her know that you are behind her, as the rest of Canada is, that you will try with every piece of power you have as the Prime Minister of Canada, to meet her requests.
When you are done, allow the Governor General to speak on behalf of Her Majesty, and if he still refuses to speak, remind him that our treaties were signed between the First Nations people of Canada and the one he is representing. Let me also point out, that by simply ignoring this matter, you are essentially saying no to millions upon millions of votes in the next federal election. Your time is limited.
This is how you must go about the meeting. Not because she is a better leader than you are, but because up to this point you have tarnished your name, Canada's name, and you've managed to do so to the rest of the world. Support for the Idle No More movement, in case you haven't noticed, is coming from Germany, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the U.S, Columbia, Mexico, India, Palestine, Israel, basically people from all four directions of the planet are watching you and hoping that you meet with Chief Spence and the First Nations leaders. All of these people are from different countries that Canada has positive relations with via NAFTA and by not acting I predict that these countries will not be so cooperative.
In addition to this, the world is hoping you repeal Bill C-45. As am I. So please, do what is right.
Damian Abrahams.
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